Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Don't Know. Let's Defer to Emily Post

circa 1945:  Formal portrait of a bride and groom posing with their bridal party outdoors.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Overheard: in a NYC hotel elevator

Two 20something guys discussing the makeup of a bridal party.

Guy 1: "So I guess her brother has to be in there, too. That's kind of expected, right?"

Guy 2: "Yeah." (Beat.) "Unless you want to piss people off."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh, I Remember! They Also Played Moe-Zart

Circa 1722, German organist and Barouque composer, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Overheard: at an Austin nail salon

By: Wendi Aarons

Large Texas woman talking to a Vietnamese nail tech: "Oh, this classical music y'all are playin' is Patchy Bell's Canon. It's from my weddin'."

Editor's Note: My brother lived in a Binghamton, NY neighborhood where all the streets were named for composers. One of them was called Bee- (rhymes with see) thoven Street. The h was not silent, either. (Details!)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

You Know What? I'm Just Going to Take Your Word For It

American singer and actor Bing Crosby (1903 - 1977) slides to bolt on one of his guns as he sits on the edge od his gun rack, while dressed in a heavy suede coat and a stetson, 1950s. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Overheard: in a Baltimore diner

"Next time you go to your Dad's house, look at his gun case. You'll see."

Also overheard from same guy: "It would hurt me more to see you get hurt than it would for me to be hit by a bus." (Ed.'s Note: We're calling questionable.)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, With Subtle Differences, But Yes

A woman kneels in a chair dressed in her brassiere and stockings, admiring herself in a hand mirror and arranging her hair, 1940s. (Photo by George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Overheard: by Ed Shahzade

13 year old boy: "So, bras and batteries go by the same system, like A to D's?"

Ed's Note: An appreciative hat tip to Lisa Bonchek Adams for sending this one my way.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Well, Naturally...

13th September 1952:  Six women, with Gloria Nord (right), star of Tom Arnold's Ice Circus in Brighton, under the driers at the hairdressers. Original Publication: Picture Post - 6052 - An Ice Girl Gets Up - pub. 1952  (Photo by Thurston Hopkins/Picture Post/Getty Images)

Overheard: at a high school reunion

By: Katie Rosman

Anne: "Your hair color is so pretty!"
Rachel: "Thanks, it's really expensive."

Beatrix' Keen Grasp of the Obvious Was Her Most Endearing Trait

circa 1934:  Nancy Debenham setting off for a motorcycle rally in Nottingham with her pet dog Bill on board.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Overheard: in South Dakota during annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Week, which attracts more than 500,000 bikers

By: Julie Kleckley Hummer

A lovely lady with an English accent:"There are so many motorcyles. I wonder if there's an event?"

Friday, September 3, 2010

Physician, Heal Thyself?

21st October 1950:  The graveyard at Bywell near to the River Tyne. Original Publication: Picture Post - 5138 - Down The Tyne - pub.1950  (Photo by Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Getty Images)

Overheard: on the 9:04 N.J. Transit train to New York

By: Bruce Fretts

Breathless overweight man on cell phone: "Hello, yes, I'm on the train...he died two days ago...wait (huff huff), let me get into my was a blessing..."

Adds Bruce: "Upon further forced eavesdropping, I learned this man is a doctor, it was his father-in-law who died, and he's planning to work from 11-7 today and be reachable via phone while the family sits shiva. Upon turning around, I discovered this was the same obese man who earlier had needed a stranger's help to extricate himself from his too-tight backpack. Oh, doctor!"

Editor's Note: We're wondering if we should just give hand over the blog keys to Bruce, who always seems to find us the best stuff. Or maybe we just need to start riding N.J. Transit more.

Additional Editor's Note: Why do people on cell phones on trains always feel the need to start conversations by stating the fact that they are on trains?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rule of Thumb: When Hamsters Are Involved, The Story is *Always* Long

BERLIN - SEPTEMBER 13:  A pet hamster enjoys a brief moment of freedom outside his cage on September 13, 2008 in Berlin, Germany. Hamsters are among the most popular pets for children.  (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Overheard: in Philadelphia.

By: Bill Barol

Lobby security guard: "Kid comes by, he's like, 'Hey, where's my hamster?' I'm like, 'Dude, it's a long story.'"